Coloring pages
made with love + care.
Our original designs are drawn by hand with iPad Pro.
We hope they make you smile :)
The coloring pages cannot be printed directly through this webpage – contact if you would like to receive the free file!

BIPOC series
recentering the narrative.
Many of us grew up coloring white Disney princesses — Ariel, Rapunzel, Snow White. Alabaster peach crayons were dubbed "skin-tone" or "flesh." Eurocentric values are indoctrinated from the start – even through the most innocent of activities, like coloring.
Created in light of the recent racial reckoning sweeping the nation, this series of coloring pages highlights BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, + People of Color) in US history, who are all too often left out of our formal educations. These coloring pages aim to bring a more diverse and nuanced understanding of our society to a younger audience, as well provide representation and inspiration for marginalized groups.
The coloring pages cannot be printed directly through this webpage – contact if you would like to receive the file!